Virtual Reality Model Language  (VRML) programs provide dynamic display of
three-dimensional shapes using VRML viewers and Internet browsers.

Below are a series of files portraying bedrock strata and fractures, some of which are water-bearing
features in bedrock aquifers. These images and VRML files were generated as part of NJ Geological
Survey fractured-bedrock aquifer research. For more information regarding these data and methods

Click on a link below for a zip file containing the VRML scenes.
Once the zip file contents is extracted to a directory, click on

You must have a VRML viewer installed such as the Octaga player to view the WRL files in
3D .

Click on an image to see a  GIF animation of the VRML  files.
Two wells in
Brunswick aquifer
sandstone near
Pittstown, NJ.

are 200 ft long by150 ft wide.
Grid tick are 100 ft. Grid
arrow points North.

200 ft bedding planes with a 2:1.5 strike:dip aspect


brittle fractures 200 ft long with a 2:1.5 stike:dip aspect
Green dips <30o
Blue dips 30-60o
Orange dips 60-90o

Brittle fractures

water-bearing beds and fractures 200 ft


Eight wells in
Brunswick aquifer
mudstone, Stony
Brook Watershed
Hopewell Twp, NJ.

are 200 ft long by150 ft wide.
Grid tick are 100 ft. Grid
arrow points North.

200 ft bedding planes with a 2:1.5 strike:dip aspect

200 ft fracture planes with a 2:1.5 strike:dip aspect

200 ft planes with a 2:1.5 strike:dip aspect

Rev 20090114 GCH 10/30/2028