Merge and converted all 4 MOLA 64ppd 16 bit file to a single ESRI (Arc/Info,ArcView) Grid format. Projection: Equirectangular (Simple Cylindrical) note: using a sphere equation longitudes 0 to 360 Latitudes -90 to 90 center longitude = 180 Semi-Major Radius = 3396.19 Semi-Minor Radius = 3376.2 (not used for this projection) cellsize 926.1671488 m/p (or 64 pix/deg) Trent Hare USGS, flagstaff 928-556-7126 Original PDS header file (from megt00n000gb.lbl): PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH FILE_RECORDS = 5760 RECORD_BYTES = 23040 ^IMAGE = "MEGT00N000GB.IMG" DATA_SET_ID = "MGS-M-MOLA-5-MEGDR-L3-V1.0" PRODUCT_ID = "MEGT00N000GB.IMG" SPACECRAFT_NAME = "MARS GLOBAL SURVEYOR" INSTRUMENT_ID = MOLA INSTRUMENT_NAME = MARS_ORBITER_LASER_ALTIMETER TARGET_NAME = MARS START_TIME = 1997-09-15T19:10:00.000 STOP_TIME = 2001-06-30T11:10:40.000 START_ORBIT_NUMBER = 3 STOP_ORBIT_NUMBER = 20333 PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 2003-03-21T01:00:00 PRODUCT_VERSION_ID = "2.0" PRODUCER_ID = MGS_MOLA_TEAM PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = "DAVID E. SMITH" PRODUCER_INSTITUTION_NAME = "GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER" DESCRIPTION = "This data product is a topographic map of Mars at a resolution of 0.015625 (1/64) by 0.015625 degrees, based on altimetry data acquired by the Mars Global Surveyor MOLA instrument and accumulated over the course of the primary and extended mission. The MOLA Precision Experiment Data Records (PEDRs) are the source for this data set. The map is in the form of a binary table with one row for each 0.015625-degree latitude. Map coordinates use the IAU2000 reference system, and areoid defined by the Goddard Mars potential model GMM3 (mgm1025) evaluated to degree and order 50. The binned data include all MOLA nadir observations from the Mapping Phase through the Primary and Extended missions, from the end of aerobraking in February 1999 through June 2001. Additionally, off-nadir observations of the north pole are included from 87 N latitude and northward, taken during the spring of 1998, and of both poles taken during Mapping from 87 N and S to the poles. Data are adjusted using a first-order crossover solution for radial, along-track, and across-track position. Parts of orbits are excluded where solutions for these orbits are deemed to be poor. (Note: subtract 10000 from a MOLA mapping phase orbit number to determine the equivalent MGS Project orbit number.) Also excluded are shots more than 1.2 degree off-nadir (except as noted above), channel 4 returns, and any returns not classified as ground returns, e.g. clouds or noise, according to the SHOT_CLASSIFICATION_CODE. A total of nearly 600,000,000 observations are represented." OBJECT = IMAGE NAME = MEDIAN_TOPOGRAPHY DESCRIPTION = "Each sample represents median observed topography within a 0.015625 by 0.015625 degree area. Where no observations lie within the area, an interpolated value is supplied. Owing to the polar MGS orbit, density is lowest near the equator, where about 55% of bins contain at least one MOLA shot. There are gaps, however, of up to 12 km between profiles. The minimum and maximum topography observations for the entire data set are -8199 and 21218 meters. Topography is the planetary radius minus the areoid radius at a given longitude and latitude." LINES = 5760 LINE_SAMPLES = 11520 SAMPLE_TYPE = MSB_INTEGER SAMPLE_BITS = 16 UNIT = METER END_OBJECT = IMAGE OBJECT = IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION ^DATA_SET_MAP_PROJECTION = "DSMAP.CAT" MAP_PROJECTION_TYPE = "SIMPLE CYLINDRICAL" A_AXIS_RADIUS = 3396.0 B_AXIS_RADIUS = 3396.0 C_AXIS_RADIUS = 3396.0 FIRST_STANDARD_PARALLEL = "N/A" SECOND_STANDARD_PARALLEL = "N/A" POSITIVE_LONGITUDE_DIRECTION = "EAST" CENTER_LATITUDE = 0.0 CENTER_LONGITUDE = 180.0 REFERENCE_LATITUDE = "N/A" REFERENCE_LONGITUDE = "N/A" LINE_FIRST_PIXEL = 1 LINE_LAST_PIXEL = 5760 SAMPLE_FIRST_PIXEL = 1 SAMPLE_LAST_PIXEL = 11520 MAP_PROJECTION_ROTATION = 0.0 MAP_RESOLUTION = 64.0 MAP_SCALE = 0.926 MAXIMUM_LATITUDE = 0.0 MINIMUM_LATITUDE = -90.0 WESTERNMOST_LONGITUDE = 0.0 EASTERNMOST_LONGITUDE = 180.0 LINE_PROJECTION_OFFSET = 0.5 SAMPLE_PROJECTION_OFFSET = 11520.5 COORDINATE_SYSTEM_TYPE = "BODY-FIXED ROTATING" COORDINATE_SYSTEM_NAME = "PLANETOCENTRIC" END_OBJECT = IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION END