Neotectonic Maps of the North and Central American and West Central
Atlantic Regions in Relation to the Chicxulub and Chesapeake Impacts

Index image for PDF files2006 Neotectonic setting of the North American plate  in relation to the Chicxulub impact.

ITECTS NAP_WATL.KMZ.kmz (1KB) Google Earth Implementation of MAPS 1-6::

Click on any image.

PLATE 1 Physiography, tectonic plates and ocean lineations
MAP 1. Ocean and continental physiography, crustal plate boundaries, and magnetic isochrons in the
Central Atlantic region, Google Earth rendition to the right.

North America and and regional physiography
PLATE 2 Color physiography, plate boundaries and ocean lineations
MAP 2. Ocean and coninental colored physiography, crustal plate boundaires, crustal seismic
zones, crustal-plate horozontal velocity vectors based on GPS readings over the past 12 years,
and North American continental rivers . Physiographic base isUSGS TIFF image.

NAP SAP 40MGoogle Earh KMZ physiography and impacts

MAP 3. Continental polygons, tectonic plate boundaries, rivers and lakes (ESRI),  line traces of
ocean-floor lineaments,  crustal faults (USGS), GPS horizontal component of crustal plate motion
( NASA-JPL), crustal seismic zones and impact  architecture showing 660, 1700, and 2900 km rings
representing crests and troughs of crustal welts.. Principal axis of compression extends foreland  of
the impact craters in line with bolide oblique-impact trajectories.

PLATE 4. DNAG Bouger Gravity equipotential contours with data from Plate 1.Google Earth TIN vertical component of crustal plate motion
MAP 4. DNAG Bouger Gravity equipotential contours with data from MAPS 1-3.

PLATE 5. DNAG Aeromagnetic equipotential contours with data from Plate 1Google Earth Neotectonic NAP and Western Atlantic region
MAP 5. DNAG Aeromagnetic equipotential contours with data from MAPS 1-3.

PLATE 6. Equipotenbtial surface of vertical crustal motion
MAP 6. GPS vertical crustal motion represented with TIN surface of equipotential vertical velocity  
(NASA-JPL) with other map data from MAP 1-3. Continental regions of uplift (U) and subsidence (S)
reflect overlapping and interfering ring structures stemming from the Chicxulub (~65mya) and 
Chesapeake (~35mya) impacts.

de Rev 02/2010